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“My goal is to make furniture that exceeds
  the expectations of my clients...and myself.”

– AD Tonnesen






Commissioning Work


If you would like to commission furniture or obtain a quote from Lone Buffalo Studio,
you will need to think deeply over the following criteria:


What type of furniture do you want?

(ex: conference table, bed, dining table, night stand, etc.)


What is the approximate size of the piece?

(ex: seating capacity of 8, dimensions, king-size, etc.)


What will you use it for?

(ex: daily use for meetings, statement piece for lobby, bedroom, etc.)


What type of setting do you envision the piece in?

(ex: well lit room with large windows, dimly lit office, etc.)


What are some of your personal tastes?

(ex: prairies, mountains, hill country, light or dark colors, etc.)


What are some materials you might like used?

(ex: mesquite, walnut, turquoise, gold, silver, etc.)

       To see some of the materials that Lone Buffalo Studio uses in its furniture,

       take a look at our "Wood & Stone" page.


What is your budget?




Any contracts to design and make furniture, require a non-refundable ½ payment due at signing.
Specific details regarding each project (eg. time frame, materials, shipping, installation, etc.) are worked out with the client.


We have a list of pleased clients. If you'd like to be one of them, contact us,
and be on your way to having your custom creation become a reality.